The game is a sequel to the 2011 release, Crysis 2, continuing an unfolding adventure revolving around the symbiotic relationship between the wearer of the game’s iconic nanosuit, the current protagonist, and the memories of an earlier protagonist stored within the suit. Assess Adapt, and Attack starting Spring 2013.Ĭrysis 3 is a First-Person Shooter (FPS) set within a frightening future New York City. Crysis 3 is the ultimate sandbox shooter, realized in the stunning visuals only Crytek and the latest version of Cry ENGINE can deliver. Unleash the firepower of your all-new, high-tech bow and alien weaponry to hunt both human and alien enemies and uncover the truth behind the death of your squad while re-establishing the power of human will in a rich story full of exciting twists and turns. Adapt on the fly with the stealth and armor abilities of your unique Nanosuit as you battle through the seven wonders of New York’s Liberty Dome.
The award-winning developer Crytek is back with Crysis 3, the first blockbuster shooter of 2013! Return to the fight as Prophet, the Nanosuit soldier on a quest to rediscover his humanity and exact brutal revenge.